ISO 16345:2014 Certification

ISO 16345:2014 covers the scope of the updraft performance and pumping head of open- and closed-circuit, mechanical draft, wet and wet/dry cooling towers and natural draft and fan-assisted natural draft. The standard rating limits for cataloguing mechanical draft, open- and closed-circuit cooling towers are acknowledged.
ISO 16345:2014 does not sustenance to the analysis and rating of closed-circuit towers where the procedure fluid run through a modification in phase as it authorities through the heat exchanger or where the thermo physical things of the technique fluid are not remaining.

ISO 16345:2014 Certification

ISO 16345:2014 Certification Standard is based on internationally recognized standards of decent work, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO conventions, and national laws. ISO 16345:2014 Certification applies a management-systems approach to social performance and emphasizes continual improvement—not checklist-style auditing.